Soal Bahasa Inggris chapter 1 Good Morning, how are you? Kelas 7 Semester 1 SMP/MTs

Soal Bahasa Inggris chapter 1 Good Morning, how are you? Kelas 7 Semester 1 SMP/MTs

Anaksmp-mts . selamat sore semuanya, kali ini kami akan membagikan kembali latihn soal mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris kelas 7 Chapter 1 “Good Morning, how are you?” yang merupakan salah salah satu materi yang terdapat pada pelajaran Bahasa Inggris kelas 7 SMP/MTs.

Sehingga kami akan membagikan Soal Bahasa Inggris Chapter 1 Good Morning, how are you? Kelas 7 Semester 1 SMP/MTs, yang akan kami sajikan ini berupa soal berbasis sehingga adik-adik kelas 7 SMP/MTs lebih mudah untuk mengakses dan mengerjakannya.

Latihan soal ini seperti biasa berjumlah 20 soal pilihan ganda, yang dapat dijadikan sebagai media latihan untuk mengasah kembali kemampuan bahasa inggris adik-adik kelas 7 SMP/MTs yang sebentar lagi akan menghadapi ujian sekolah yaitu peninilain tengah semester (PTS).

Baiklah, langsung saja kita menuju Soal Bahasa Inggris Chapter 1 Good Morning, how are you? Kelas 7 Semester 1 SMP/MTs yang telah kami sediakan di bawah ini, silahkan :

pilihlah jawaban yang paling tepat dan benar !

1. the underlined expression expresses ...

a. expressing apology
b. responding apology
c. asking for help
d. giving help

2. the suitable expression to complete the dialogue is...

a. please, forgive me
b. you're welcome
c. sure
d. that's all right

3. the suitable expression to complete the dialogue is...

a. how come
b. i'm sad
c. i'm sorry
d. with my pleasure

4. the underlined word has similiar meaning with ...

a. berated
b. lend
c. return
d. colect


a. nice to meet you
b. where are you?
c. how are you?
d. glad to see you


a. i'm fine,too
b. nice to meet you
c. good to see you
d. see you later


a. how are you?
b. good afternoon
c. nice to meet you
d. glad to see you


a. where are you going?
b. see you later
c. how are you
d. nice to meet you

9. from the dialogue we know that ...

a. the guest is complaning about the bedroom service
b. the guest is complaning about the air conditioning
c. the guest is angry about the bad service
d. the guest is very dissappointed about the situation

10. the underlined words show ...

a. asking to do something
b. apologizing for a mistake
c. offering to do something
d. disaggreeing with someone's opinion


a. good night
b. good morning
c. good afternoon
d. good bye


a. are you oke?
b. how are you?
c. how do you do?
d. i am fine


a. what are you doing?
b. where have you been?
c. what is she doing?
d. how's life

14. the way to ask someone's news is ...

a. how is life?
b. where are you?
c. what is that?
d. do you like it?

15. it's seven o'clock in the morning. gina will go to school. she says ... to her parents.

a. good night
b. good afternoon
c. good morning
d. good day

16. it's nine o'clock in the night. gia will go to sleep. she say ... to her parents.

a. good night
b. good afternoon
c. good morning
d. good day

17. which one in the following is the expression of leave-taking?

a. we have had a wonderful time
b. how do you do?
c. how are you today?
d. i am sorry, i have to leave now

18. the underlined words means that indri wanted to ... prita.

a. invite
b. leave
c. introduce
d. great

19. the underlined words expresses

a. congratulation
b. apologizing
c. leave taking
d. greeting

20. you are sending a friend off at the airport, he is going on a holiday. just before he boards the plane, you say to him ...

a. have a safe journey
b. drive carefully
c. good job
d. do not come again
kerjakan lagi klik di bawah

Demikian latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris Chapter 1 Good Morning, how are you? Kelas 7 Semester 1 SMP/MTs yang dapat kami sajikan pada kesempatan hari ini semoga dapat bermanfaat dan dapat menjadi sarana atau media belajar adik-adik kelas 7 SMP/MTs , selamat belajar dan semoga sukses.

Terima kasih.

4 Responses to "Soal Bahasa Inggris chapter 1 Good Morning, how are you? Kelas 7 Semester 1 SMP/MTs"

  1. Bahasa Inggris sedikit sulit tapi saya tetap berusaha

  2. Selamat malam buk ini tugas Fakhri Safaras Akma

  3. Selamat pagi buk fakhri Safaras Akma sudah selesai tugas bahasa Inggris

  4. Selamat pagi buk Faldi Safaras Akma sudah selesai tugas Inggris


Berkomentarlah dengan bijak, terima kasih.

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