Soal Bahasa Inggris Chapter 1 It’s English Time Kelas 8 Semester 1 SMP/MTs


Soal Bahasa Inggris Chapter 1 It’s English Time Kelas 8 Semester 1 SMP/MTs

Anaksmp-mts . berjumpa lagi dengan kami, kali ini yang akan kita bahas adalah Latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris Chapter 1 It’s English Time Kelas 8 Semester 1 SMP/MTs yang merupakan chapter 1 di kelas 8 sehingga adik-adik menjadikan materi wajib dalam mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris.

Maka kami memberikan latihan soalnya, setelah adik-adik kelas 8 mempelajarinya dapat langsung melakukan uji kompetensi mata pelajaran ini disini, semua soal sudah sesuai dengan chapter tersebut sehingga di harapkan adik-adik kelas 8 dapat menguji kemampuannya.

Baiklah, langsung saja kita menuju Latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris Chapter 1 It’s English Time Kelas 8 Semester 1 SMP/MTs yang telah kami sediakan di bawah ini :

Pilihlah jawaban yang paling benar dan tepat !


a. do you understand
b. do you like it
c. do you see me
d. do you fell confused


a. it is not clear
b. it is not easy
c. is it clear
d. is it easy


a. what do you want from mrs. andina
b. what do you think of mrs. andina
c. what do you care of mrs. andina
d. do you think of mrs. andina


a. it's bad
b. that's too bad
c. i return it to you
d. that's great


a. cute
b. sweet
c. wild
d. funny


a. i agree your novel is interesting
b. i disagree your novel is interesting
c. i think your novel is interesting
d. i'm sure your novel is interesting


a. attention
b. caution
c. warning
d. help


a. i like the picture
b. i think so
c. the picture is not good
d. i hate the picture

9. to get students attention, the teacher will say ...

a. do you understand
b. is it clear
c. are you ok
d. attention, please

10. to check the student's understand, the teacher will say ...

a. how are you today
b. what do you think about
c. do you understand what i mean
d. do you remember


a. funny
b. sweet
c. dangerous
d. cute


a. my i use your pen
b. may i have your attention
c. may i open the window
d. may i sit here


a. do you think of her
b. what do you want to be
c. what does he do
d. what do you think of her

14. what does the text talk about ...
a. the writer's cat
b. pony
c. a beautiful cat
d. cat

15. whats the name of the cat ...

a. cute cat
b. pony
c. tame
d. beautiful fur


a. thanks
b. i'm sorry
c. congratulations
d. not at all


a. no, ma'am
b. i disagree with you, ma'am
c. unsure
d. yes, of course ma'am


a. attention, please
b. pay attention
c. may i wash my hands
d. may i have your attention


a. let's go to the canteen
b. let's go to bookstore
c. let's go to school
d. may i go to the canteen


a. small and large
b. big and large
c. far and big
d. big and narrow
kerjakan lagi klik di bawah

Demikian yang dapat kami sajikan tentang Soal Bahasa Inggris Chapter 1 It’s English Time Kelas 8 Semester 1 SMP/MTs pada kesempatan hari ini, semoga dapat bermanfaat bagi adik-adik kelas 8 dalam menguji kompetensi di mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris ini. Tetap semangat belajar, jangan putus asa dan semoga berhasil.

Terima kasih.  

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