Soal Bahasa Inggris Chapter 2 let’s live a healthy life Kelas 9 Semester 1 SMP/MTs


Soal Bahasa Inggris Chapter 2 let’s live a healthy life Kelas 9 Semester 1 SMP/MTs

Anaksmp-mts . selamat pagi, kali ini yang akan bagikan masih seputar latihan soal yaitu mata pelajarn Bahasa Inggris kelas 9 Chapter 2 let’s live a healthy life yang merupakan salah satu chapter dalam pelajaran Bahasa Inggris kelas 9.

Latiha Soal Bahasa Inggris Chapter 2 let’s live a healthy life Kelas 9 Semester 1 SMP/MTs, ini dapat di jadikan media belajar adik-adik kelas 9 untuk berlatih dalam chapter 2 ini. Seperti biasa latihan soal yang kami sajikan ini berjumlah 20 soal yang tediri dari pilihan ganda semua.

Baiklah, silahkan simak latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris Chapter 2 let’s live a healthy life Kelas 9 Semester 1 SMP/MTs yang sudah kami siapkan di bawah ini :

Bahasa Inggris Chapter 2 Let's Live a Healthy Life  
pilihlah jawaban yang paling tepat dan benar !

1. preposition of time use in expression of intention, except ...
a. next week
b. tonight
c. yesterday
d. next friday

2. which one of the following sentences is not an expression of intention ...

a. i am going to jakatra next week
b. i am cooking soup right now
c. i am going to join dance class next semester
d. my mother is going to pick me up tonight


a. where are you going tonight
b. are you busy tonight
c. do you have any plan
d. are you join us

4. ... like me to clean your motorcycle?

a. how about
b. let's
c. would you
d. i think


a. would you
b. i think
c. why don't
d. i will help you with


a. why don't you
b. shall us
c. i'll do
d. i propose

7. what is the text about?
a. managing schedule
b. exercise
c. nutrition of our body
d. healthy life

8. why should we exercise for 30 minutes the morning ...

a. it makes us strong
b. it is important to our bones
c. it is one of our needs
d. it gets energized for our day


a. taking an aspirin
b. an aspirin
c. take an aspirin
d. to take an aspirin

10. from the dialogue, we may assume that ...
a. maulida agrees with gayuh
b. maulida disagrees with gayuh
c. maulida has no idea about the case
d. maulida cannot accept the fact

11. the underlined words show ...
a. agreement
b. disagreement
c. advice
d. necessity


a. i should practise math every day
b. why don't you take a mathematic course
c. do you like mathematic
d. i must take an english course


a. i'd love to
b. i wish i could, but i really can't
c. sorry, i'll be busy on saturday
d. thank you for the invitation, but i can't


a. i wouldn't say no
b. thank you, but i've had enough
c. thank you, you are very kind
d. yes, please. i'd love some


a. what if you stop
b. you should stop
c. how about
d. may be you can stop

16. what book is beni read ...

a. a novel book
b. a book about history
c. a book about death penalthy
d. a book about death mistery


a. he agrees
b. he disagrees
c. he is disappointed
d. he is doubt

18. what is ani like ...

a. smart
b. diligent
c. lazy
d. humble

19. how do fresh minds influence our bodies ...

a. they will make our bodies easily tired
b. they will weaken our bodies
c. they will increase our body weight
d. they will make our body healthy

20. from the text we can conclude that ...

a. we should sleep less than seven hours per night
b. many activities will lead us to sleep well
c. our routines will make our minds fresh
d. having enough sleep is a healthy lefe style
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Demikian latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris Chapter 2 let’s live a healthy life Kelas 9 Semester 1 SMP/MTs yang dapat kami sajikan pada hari ini, semoga apa yang kami bagikan ini bermanfaat bagi semua khususnya adik-adik kelas  9 SMP/MTs. Semangat belajar, tetap semangat dan semoga sukses.

Terima kasih.

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