Soal Bahasa Inggris Chapter 4 This Is My World Kelas 7 Semester 1 SMP/MTs


Soal Bahasa Inggris Chapter 4 This Is My World Kelas 7 Semester 1 SMP/MTs

Anaksmp-mts . berjumpa lagi dengan kami, kali ini kami akan membahas latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris Chapter 4 This Is My World Kelas 7 Semester 1 SMP/MTs, yang akan kami bahas soalnya sesuai dengan materi chapter tersebut.

Latihan soal ini berjumlah 20 soal yaitu pilihan ganda semua dan masih seperti biasa menggunakkan metode soal online.

Mungkin langsung saja kita menuju latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris Chapter 4 This Is My World Kelas 7 Semester 1 SMP/MTs yang telah siap dibawah ini :

Soal Bahasa Inggris Chapter 4 This Is My World
pilihlah jawaban yang paling benar dan tepat !

1. what is the writer's favorite thing ...
a. a pink pencil
b. a pink ballpoint
c. a pink bag
d. shoes

2. what is it made of ...

a. strong fabric
b. cloth
c. leather
d. plastic

3. why does her almost everything pink ...

a. because pink is her favorite color
b. because she only has pink bag
c. her bag is pink
d. because her favorite thing is pink bag


a. word
b. present
c. presentation
d. reward


a. the same as
b. fond of
c. looked
d. made of


a. sound
b. price
c. surface
d. problem

7. where can you find this label !

a. in the school
b. in the house
c. in the hospital
d. in the office

8. which of the following things is NOT commonly found in the kitchen ...
a. grater
b. kettle
c. ruler
d. jug

9. which of the following things in used of keeping clothes ...

a. wardrobe
b. bolster
c. fridge
d. dressing table

10. it is a type of container commonly used to hold liquid. it has an opening, often narrow, from which to pour our drink, what is it ...

a. juicer
b. kettle
c. fridge
d. grater

11. which of these things is usually found in the bedroom ...

a. dressing table
b. bolster
c. sink
d. pillow

12. this thing is usually found in the bedroom. it is a long narrow pillow or cushion filled with cutton, down, or fibre. it is called ...

a. pillow
b. bolster
c. blanket
d. jug

13. it is a kitchen utensil. it is a type of pot, typically metal, specialized for boiling water, with a lid, spout and handle. what us it ...

a. jug
b. kettle
c. sink
d. grater

14. this thing is usually found in the classroom. it is usually brought by travelers. they look at it to find a place and to avoid being lost. what is it ...

a. time table
b. eraser
c. map
d. desk


a. storeroom
b. canteen
c. clinic
d. playgroup

16. the librarian puts book in the ...

a. school guard
b. school yard
c. school bag
d. book shelf

17. we can practice type a letter in the ...

a. people room
b. computer room
c. school yard
d. kitchen

18. Mrs. susi is a teacher. she teaches students in the ...

a. classroom
b. school yard
c. language
d. teacher's room

19. the students park their bike in the ...

a. office
b. praying room
c. parking lot
d. toilet


a. storeroom storeroom
b. canteen
c. clinic
d. playgroup
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Demikian latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris Chapter 4 This Is My World Kelas 7 Semester 1 SMP/MTs yang dapat kami sampaikan pada hari ini, semoga dapat bermanfaat bagi semua yang sedang membutuhkan atau mencari latihan soal pada chapter tersebut. Tetap semangat belajar, jangan pantang menyerah dan semoga sukses.

Terima kasih.

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