Soal Bahasa Inggris Chapter 5 I’m So Happy For You Kelas 8 Semester 1 SMP/MTs


Soal Bahasa Inggris Chapter 5 I’m So Happy For You Kelas 8 Semester 1 SMP/MTs

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Baiklah, langsung saja kita menuju latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris Chapter 5 I’m So Happy For You Kelas 8 Semester 1 SMP/MTs yang sudah ada di bawah ini :

Soal Bahasa Inggris Chapter 5 I'm So Happy For You 
pilihlah jawaban yang oaling benar dan tepat !

1. eric feels proud of felicia because she ...
a. enjoyed speech
b. has won the contest
c. promoted her talent
d. has joined the competition

2. what is the writer's purpose of writing the text ...

a. to congratulate felicia on her achievement
b. to inform the readers about the competition
c. to train someone to be a good writer
d. to express the true friendship

3. from the text we know that ...
a. ferdy is budi's friend
b. budi wins the competition
c. budi is ferdy's friend
d. ferdy wins the competition

4. what is the writer's hope for the baby ...
a. being a smart guy
b. being a nice one
c. being a rich person
d. being the success girl


a. birth
b. death
c. growth
d. departure

6. from the text we know that ...
a. the writer wishes that there will be a better day for the reader
b. the reader is a poor person
c. the writer will have sunbathe
d. the reader's day was gloomy

7. when will the card probably be given to someone ...

a. at christmas
b. at new year
c. at baby born party
d. in a graduation party

8. "may the high goals and ideals which led to this special honour continue to inspire you in the years ahead". we can infer from this statement that the writer hopes the reader ...

a. stay humble and calm
b. keep on success in the future
c. be a better person
d. always be happy

9. from the text we know that ...
a. reswati is the best student in her city
b. meisya asks reswati to enter her senior high school
c. reswati didn't pass the examination
d. reswati will study in the best enior high school


a. development
b. assessment
c. success
d. process

11. what is the purpose of the text ...
a. to send a greeting card
b. to congratulate on someone's success
c. to tell the writer's success to his friend
d. to congratulate someone on his birthday

12. what does the word "we" in the text refer to ...

a. the writer and the receiver
b. the writer
c. the writer and his friends
d. the receiver

13. why does arif send the card? because ...
a. he wants to congratulate fitri
b. he wants to tell fitri about his exam
c. his exam is difficult to do
d. he wants to be successful

14. when did fredy and irene's parents get married ...
a. in 2000
b. in 2001
c. in 2003
d. in 2004

15. the card is written to ...

a. my mom and dad
b. irine's dad
c. fredy's mom
d. fredy and irine's parents

16. the word "we" in the text refers to ...

a. the writer and the reader
b. fredy and irine
c. mom and dad
d. mom and dad's son

17. the writer is ...
a. johny's brother
b. jacson's twin brother
c. johny's twin brother
d. johny's elder brother

18. the function of the text is ...

a. to give information that they are twins
b. to invite the twin to the birthday party
c. to announce the twin brothers
d. to congratulate the special day

19. the word "us" in the text refers to ...

a. sister and brother
b. jacson's brother
c. the twin brother
d. matthew's brother

20. from the text we can conclude that ...
a. wiwit and endah are husband and wife
b. wiwit and endah get enganged
c. sam and endah have marriage for one year
d. sam and endah congratulate your first wedding anniversary
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Terima kasih.

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