Soal PAT UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 Semester 2 SMP/MTs Tahun 2020-2021

Anaksmp-mts . pada kesempatan hari ini kami akan membagikan latihan soal penilaian akhir untuk kelas 8 mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris, yang mana dapat dijadikan sebagai media berlatih soal-soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 Semester 2 jenjang SMP/MTs, dan berikut soalnya :
Choose the correct answer by crossing a, b, c, or d!
following text is for questions 1-5.
Last week Asti and Kinan went to Sunday market
in town.
They intended to spend their morning
there, taking a walk and
browsing many goods. People sold many
goods there. They
sold foods, clothes, accessories and even
art works.
Then, they accidentally met Surya. He set a
on the sidewalk and began to arrange his
goods. The
girls approached him and asked him what he
was doing.
Surya said he was interested in street
fairs and wanted
to know how a merchant works. His brother
allowed and
helped him to become a merchant. His
brother thought
it will be a good experience for Surya.
They sold phone
accessories such as straps, hard cases,
earpieces and
stickers from Surya’s brother’s store. The
hard cases were
the best seller items. They were Surya and
his brother’s
original designs. Asti and Kinan bought
them too.
1. The text above is about ....
a. Asti and Kinan’s experience went to
Sunday market in town
b. Asti and Kinan bought phone accessories
c. Asti and Kinan met Surya and his
d. Asti and Kinan tried to make phone
staps by themselves
2. What did the girls do in the street
a. They sold accessories.
b. They looked for their friends.
c. They wanted to go shopping.
d. They helped Surya.
3. What was interesting about the hard
a. The prices were cheap.
b. They were only sold by Surya.
c. They could be found everywhere.
d. They were made by Surya and his
4. Why did Surya sell phone accesories?
a. He wanted to get extra money.
b. His brother needed his help.
c. He wanted to learn business.
d. His brother asked him to sell them.
5. “They were Surya and his brother’s
original designs.”
The word original is synonymous with ....
a. latest
b. unique
c. authentic
d. copy
following text is for questions 6-10.
I had a bad experience when I did shopping
because of
the shop assistant’s fault. However, the
security offi cer of the
shop really embarassed me of stealing a
pair of blue jeans.
That was on Sunday afternoon, I went to a
fashion shop
with my friends. I choose a pair of blue
jeans to buy and
paid them at the cashier. Unfortunately,
the shop assistant
was careless. She forgot to take the
censor clip on the blue
jeans. So, when I left the shop, the
detector beeped.
security offi cer shouted at me, “Hey, you. Stop!”
Then, he took me to the manager’s room.
After examining, the security offi cer and the
realized that it was not my fault. They
said they were very
sorry about what had happened. Finally,
the manager
asked me to take one piece of clothing for
6. What is the text about?
a. The writer’s fault at the fashion shop.
b. The writer’s bad experience at a
fashion shop.
c. The shop assistant’s activity.
d. The security offi cer caught a thief.
7. The Re-Orientation of the text is
showed by the paragraph number ....
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
8. “She forgot to take the censor clip on
the blue jeans.”
She in the sentence refers to ....
a. the writer
b. the shop assistant
c. the security offi cer
d. the manager
9. Why did the detector beep?
a. The security offi cer thought the writer
is a thief.
b. The security offi cer turned on the
c. The shop assistant forgot to take the
censor clip on the blue jeans.
d. The shop assistant broke the censor
clip on the blue jeans.
10. “However, the security offi cer of the
shop really embarassed me of stealing a pair of blue jeans.”
The negative form of the sentence above is
a. However, the security offi cer of the
shop does not really embarassed me of stealing
a pair of blue jeans.
b. However, the security offi cer of the
shop does really embarassed me of stealing a pair of blue jeans.
c. Did, the security offi cer of the shop
really not embarass me of stealing a pair of blue jeans?
d. However, the security offi cer of the
shop did not really embarass me of stealing a pair of blue jeans.
11. Where can you fi nd the notice?
a. At houses.
b. At factories.
c. At markets.
d. At police stations
12. The sign below is usually found at
a. zoo
b. city hall
c. restaurant
d. school
13. Who is this notice addressed to?
a. Security offi cers.
b. Students.
c. Guests.
d. Employees.
14. Where you can fi nd the notice below?
a. Aeroplane
b. Car
c. Ship
d. Bus
15. What does the notice mean?
a. The pedestrian is not allowed to stop
b. The pedestrian is not allowed to pass
the street.
c. The pedestrian is not allowed to turn back.
d. The pedestrian is not allowed to walk
around this area alone.
following text is for questions 16–18.
16. What is the purpose of the notice?
a. To cancel a choir practice with Mrs.
b. To remind Nana about a play practice.
c. To cancel a play practice with Nana.
d. To remind Nana about an artist.
17. What will happen on the next
a. Nana will practice with Mrs. Bunga.
b. Mrs. Bunga will join the choir group.
c. A famous artist will come to witness
d. The choir group will be there to watch
18. The notice is addressed for ....
a. Nana
b. Choir team
c. Mrs. Bunga
d. Theater staff
following dialog is for questions 19-20.
Shinta : Did you see a rock music concert
Aska :
No. The crew postpones the concert until next week.
Shinta :
Why do they postpone it?
Aska : The concert stage collapsed because
of the earthquake. The crew rebuilt the stage this morning.
Shinta :
That was too bad. I hope no one gets hurt.
Aska :
Don’t worry. Nobody was on the stage when the earthquake happened.
19. What did happen to the music concert?
a. It was rescheduled.
b. It was canceled.
c. It was conducted.
d. It was moved.
20. Aska said, “The concert stage
collapsed because of the earthquake.”
The word ‘collapsed’ is similar in meaning
to ....
a. crumpled
b. stood
c. melted
d. broken
following lyrics is for questions 21-25.
I Have A Dream by Westlife
I have a dream, a song to sing
To help me cope, with anything
If you see the wonder of a fairy tale
You can take the future even if you fail
I believe in angels
Something good in everything I see
I believe in angels
When I know the time is right for me
I’ll cross the stream
I have a dream
I have a dream, a fantasy
To help me through reality
And my destination makes it worth the
Pushing through the darkness, still
another mile
I believe in angels
Something good in everything I see
I believe in angels
When I know the time is right for me
I’ll cross the stream
I have a dream.
21. What is the song about?
a. A diffi cult future life.
b. A dream for the future.
c. A fantasy of future life.
d. A fairy tale about future.
22. What does the third stanza mean?
a. A dream is useful to pass through a
real life.
b. It is a long way to escape from a
c. A dream and reality are very different.
d. Life will be useless if we keep
23. What is the message of the song?
a. We can make as many dreams as we can.
b. We should have dreams for future
c. We should help others who encounter
d. We must fi gure out our strength and
24. What is the mood of the song?
a. Cheerful.
b. Hope.
c. Worried.
d. Sad.
25. “To help me cope, with anything.”
What does the word ‘cope’ mean?
a. Acknowledge
b. Succeed
c. Recognize
d. Encounter
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Demikian Latihan Soal PAT UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 Semester 2 SMP/MTs Tahun 2020-2021 yang dapat kami bagikan pada kesempatan ini, semoga
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menghadapi Penilaian Akhir Tahun ( PAT ) Kelas 8 Semester 2.
Tetap semangat belajar.
Terima kasih.
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